How To Clear Query Cache In Sap Bw

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In this article, we will explore the intricacies of clearing the SAP Fiori cache. SAP Fiori is a powerful user interface that streamlines workflows and brings a modern look to SAP applications. However, sometimes the cache can cause issues and lead to less-than-optimal performance. Understanding how to effectively clear the cache can help improve the overall user experience.

What is SAP Fiori Cache?

Before delving into clearing the cache, it is important to understand what the SAP Fiori cache is. The cache is a temporary storage location for frequently accessed data. In the context of SAP Fiori, it stores data such as user preferences, roles, and authorizations. The cache helps to improve performance by reducing the amount of time it takes to retrieve this frequently accessed data.

Why Clear the Cache?

Although the cache is beneficial for performance, it can also cause issues. Over time, the cache can become bloated with outdated or unnecessary data. This can lead to slower performance and even errors or failures in SAP Fiori. Clearing the cache ensures that all data is up-to-date and relevant, leading to improved performance and a better user experience.

How to Clear the SAP Fiori Cache

There are several methods for clearing the SAP Fiori cache. The easiest method is to use the built-in cache-clearing functionality within SAP Fiori. This can be accessed by navigating to the SAP Fiori launchpad and clicking on the settings button in the top-right corner. From there, select the "Clear Cache" option. This will clear the browser cache and local storage, which includes the SAP Fiori cache.

If clearing the cache within SAP Fiori does not resolve the issue, there are other methods to try. One method is to clear the cache manually within the browser. This involves accessing the browser's settings and clearing the cache and stored data. Another method is to clear the cache within the SAP backend system. This requires administrative access and is a more complex process, but can be effective in resolving more persistent cache issues.

Best Practices for Clearing the SAP Fiori Cache

When clearing the SAP Fiori cache, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. Firstly, it is important to only clear the cache when necessary. Clearing the cache too often can actually lead to slower performance, as the system has to retrieve data that was previously cached. Secondly, it is recommended to clear the cache during off-peak hours to minimize disruptions to users. Finally, it is important to communicate any cache-clearing activities to users to avoid confusion or frustration.


Clearing the SAP Fiori cache is an important aspect of maintaining optimal performance and ensuring a streamlined user experience. By understanding the cache and its potential issues, and utilizing the appropriate clearing methods, users can enjoy the full benefits of SAP Fiori. Remember to utilize best practices when clearing the cache, and communicate any actions to users to minimize disruptions and avoid confusion.

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